Aimee Bungard
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This is a pen and ink drawing on a light blue background. The drawing shows a pair of eyes on stalks or stems and surrounded by objects and decorations which mimic eyelids and eyebrows. The left eye also has designs that mimic the area under the eye. The designs include a sharp edge that resembles a straight razor.
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This is another pen and ink drawing on a light blue background. Here, a pile of objects and decorations forms a vaguely humanoid figure - seated and with one outstretched arm. The head is a perfume bottle with scent spilling from it. Several borders are marked by designs that resemble eyes or buttons.
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: In this pen and ink drawing, a group of designs and objects forms a human head with eyes, a visible ear, a small nose, and a chin. One of the designs below the eyes suggests a large tear with splash marks beneath it. The other may be another tear or a blade that is dangerously close to the eye. The head faces the viewer and may be staring into our eyes. This image is a pen drawing on a gray background.
Artist statement: I inherited Migraine Disease from my maternal grandmother and have navigated it for most of my life. Two years ago I caught covid and ever since I have had daily migraine attacks. A big component of these is the aura I experience. It always has some element of visual disturbance, and as a visual artist this has been devastating as well as disabling. To cope with what I experience I have been documenting my aura's and sensations in ink drawings. If I cannot eradicate the fence in my vision separating me from my world I can at least use the vantage point I can access.