Issue 84 Contributors


H. Lee Coakley (they/she) is a Queer poet & nutritional healer currently based in Brooklyn, NY. They hold a BA from New York University & an MSPH from Johns Hopkins University. Their work has been featured in Lavender Review, Red Eft Review, Utterance Journal, The Voices Project, Blueshift Anthology & The Mad Farmer Reading Series.

Barbara Daniels’s Talk to the Lioness was published by Casa de Cinco Hermanas Press in 2020. Her poetry has appeared in Lake Effect, Cleaver, Faultline, Small Orange, Meridian, and elsewhere. Barbara Daniels received a 2020 fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.

Wendy Drexler’s third poetry collection, Before There Was Before, was published by Iris Press in 2017. Her poems have appeared in Barrow Street, J Journal, The Lily Poetry Review, Nimrod, Pangyrus, Prairie Schooner, Salamander, Sugar House, The Atlanta Review, The Mid-American Review, The Hudson Review, and The Threepenny Review, among others. She’s the poet in residence at New Mission High School in Hyde Park, MA, and programming co-chair of the New England Poetry Club.

Yanita Georgieva is a Bulgarian journalist raised in Beirut, Lebanon. She is an MA candidate in Poetry at Royal Holloway University and lives in London with her cat, Eugene. You can find her work in Hobart, Alien, HAD, and elsewhere.

Sherine Gilmour has an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from New York University. Her work was nominated for Best New Poets 2020 and a Pushcart Prize. Her poetry, essays, and fiction have been published or are forthcoming from Cleaver, Jet Fuel Review, Mom Egg Review, Pirene’s Fountain, Redivider, Salamander, Third Coast, and other publications.

Brett Elizabeth Jenkins lives and writes in Indiana. Look for her work in The Sun, Beloit Poetry Journal, AGNI, Mid-American Review, Copper Nickel, and elsewhere.

Jennifer Schomburg Kanke, originally from Columbus, Ohio, lives in Tallahassee, Florida, where she edits confidential documents for the government. Her work has appeared in New Ohio Review, The Massachusetts Review, Nimrod, and Pleiades. Her chapbook, Fine, Considering, about her experiences undergoing chemotherapy for ovarian cancer, is available from Rinky Dink Press. She helps with publicity for the Poetry Witch Community.

Camille Lebel lives on a small farm outside of Memphis, TN where she enjoys horse whispering and singing to her chickens. Mother to seven, she largely writes poetry in her minivan while waiting in the school pickup line as a way to process special-needs parenting, adoption, evangelical deconstruction, and more. Her work is published or forthcoming in Inkwell, Literary Mama, Sparks of Calliope, Sledgehammer Lit, and Black Fox Literary Magazine. You can find her on Instagram @clebelwords..

Lorrie Ness is a poet working in Virginia. Her work can be found at Palette Poetry, THRUSH Poetry Journal, Typishly and various other journals. She was twice nominated for a Best of the Net Award by Sky Island Journal and she was a featured poet at Turtle Island Quarterly in 2021. Her chapbook Anatomy of a Wound is being published by Flowstone Press in July of 2021.

Michelle Seaman poems appear in Two Hawks Quarterly, 3Elements Literary Review, Entropy, Urban Tree Festival and forthcoming in Swamp Ape Review and Porkbelly Press. She performs and records poetry in collaboration with musical projects, The Dwindlers and Half Wild, and her work has been recognized by fellow nature writers at the Bread Loaf Environmental Writers’ Conference. Michelle has a Master’s in Interdisciplinary Art, and she loves to bike or wander in the woods.

