Jay Brecker


gone is the mating pair of hawks we focused on
hunting their movements         broadcast in the eyes’ edges
the way houseflies are noticed circling in the heat
you watch me surrender to him      monthly      my love          

he has license to perform acts with me      none should
he approaches repeating      look up      look down      bathes
me with droplets        numbs me with care      with tenderness     
pricked      my hands relax      the grip loosens     he makes me

wait       I can’t go anywhere      coming back      repeats
look up      look down      as you      my love      look on      the clamps
attached      wide-eyed      I do not move      can’t see him bend
on the periphery      twice feel his inserting     

medicine in each eye      this act so intimate
maintains the world      my love      its hawks      its flies      & you

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