Janell Turley
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A red, painted human figure outline lies upside down with their legs up and crossed in the foreground in this image. The background is a black-and-white photo of a clearing surrounded by trees and a faint skyline. There is another human figure in a white shirt barely visible near the treeline.
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A painted human figure lies prone but holds themself up on their arms. This figure is a minimalistic outline painted in very transparent white, with some highlighted in neon orange. The background is a black-and-white photo of a street and shops. One of the shops is a restaurant called "TOI". There is a palm tree on the same side of the street as the shops. There is a telephone pole with an advertisement on the near side of the street and to the very left.
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A minimalistic human figure painted in bright purple sits (hands on hips, legs wide, and knees bent) in the foreground in this picture. The background is a black-and-white photo of a gated apartment complex. The complex is two stories tall, and there is a railing in front of the second level landing. There is foliage in the central court formed by the U-shaped complex, and one especially tall plant may be a banana tree.
Artist statement:
These are a part of a figure drawing series I am layering over photos taken with my Hawkeye Brownie and Holga cameras. Exploring bodies and space and memory, I often think about where I am now and how I remember existing in different spaces I've inhabited. Living in my body means experiencing layers of visual and physical memory, these images explore how those intersect and feel.