Karol Olesiak


What hurts? You don’t look sick. What? That’s a compliment! Being sick isn’t an excuse. I bet if you got a job you’d feel better. What did you do to get that? I have a coworker that has what you have and she is inspiring. Work will set you free. Are you sure that’s what you have? It could be lyme disease. Have you even tried to get a job? You should redefine yourself. My taxes pay your benefits. My uncle’s girlfriend was cured with a gluten-free diet – controlled bee stings. Have you heard of stem cells? You’re so brave. Mel Gibson’s father was cured just like that with stem cells and he’s 91. You need to get yourself some of those. You should take care of yourself. I get tired too. I’m just like you. You’re so lucky to have disability. I just want to empower you. You should volunteer. All bodies expire at some point. I have always been an empath. I probably have what you have. Have you considered joining the circus? They have jobs. Science is doing incredible things. They reincarnate wooly mammoths.

I am abled
only when I catch feeling
science shall cure us

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