Lia Pas
BODY MAP (2016)
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An outline of a naked woman is embroidered on linen in the same bone white colour as the linen. She stands legs together, her right hand covering her groin, her left hand, palm up, extended slightly to her side. She looks to the right. Her entire body except for her belly is covered in intricate markings representing different neurological sensations. Her face is a mask of green lines, feathery grey lines cover her shoulders and chest. There is a thick band of intricate burgundy stitching around her waist. Her forearms and hands are covered in thick blue undulant lines. Her right leg has bands of burgundy along the muscles, with small dots around them. Her inner left leg has a thick line of blue running up it, with thin branches spreading towards her outer leg.
EYE POEM (2016)
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An embroidery of the venations of the eye stitched in blues, greens, and purples on bone coloured cloth. In a circle outlining the eye is a poem that can be read starting on any word: behind her blue green eyes were fine lace webs so she could see purple mist opening.
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of an old engraving of a vagus nerve embroidered on green cotton. The main nerve lines are in blue chain stitch in perlé cotton. The brain and some of the face is in the same thread in backstitch. Details in the face are in single strand floss. A bright red anatomical heart is in whipped back stitch. Around it a bright golden yellow halo in a vesica piscis shape is in single strand thread. Three sets of ribs are in bright green/yellow stem stitch. There are some tiny details in different colours along some of the nerves. Burgundy roiling with sparse tiny black French knots are in the gut area. The nerve endings in the diaphragm area are lengthened with one and two strand whipped back stitch. Lia’s initials are stitched in green thread in the bottom right.
Artist statement: My work explores my personal symptomatology as a chronically ill disabled artist. I make the inner workings of the body and my invisible symptoms visible in embroidery, turning gross anatomy and distressing symptoms into exquisite attention. My work is an investigation into mindfulness and the freedom found there. With ME/CFS I cannot move quickly, so I investigate slowness. I cannot move largely, so I explore micro movements.