Sarah Beddow


I decide to be the kind of girl who can talk about masturbation with boys
on the trampoline behind Melissa’s house    I decide I can share   that
I figured out how when I was    in elementary school   before I even read
VC Andrews or Anne Rice  Before the line “pumping away like a piston”
finally revealed the mechanics   of the universe to my  hungry mind 
“Wait    are you admitting you masturbate” Finn exclaims with glee  
No other girls     to be seen   just a handful of boys   eyes popping
and bodies doubling over  
                                                I decide to be the kind of girl who   kisses
and does not tell   I decide to be the kind of a girl with a very    very
dirty mouth   The girl who says in class  “Bill Clinton isn’t in trouble
for banging an intern   he is in trouble for lying about it”   and making
my history teacher exclaim “Sarah!” while all my  classmates wonder
how I get away with  it and   how I got to be so smart anyway    I decide I
am    confident    I decide to be the girl who is always  subtly the smartest
person in the room   
                                    I do not tell anyone  when I fool around with Paul after
he unspools his heart’s longing for another   girl   whom he failed to impress
or   fool around with Finn in the backroom of the Birds Unlimited where we
recline across a pile of birdseed bags      Paul does not tell    Finn does  not
tell      I decide my    attitude is    key   If I   act blasé   if I act   in control
no one will     see  how much I want     to fall in love with anyone   
                                                                                                                     I decide
the boys  will fall  helplessly  in love with me   I will not have to ask   My body
is request enough   My natural command of any situation   will draw them
to me  I will be   as  fingertips   softly    brushing their arms in the hallway
I will be   a guilty pleasure    until I become    simply     a pleasure they cannot
live without   I will   be   a warm pocket   stuffed  with their secrets
Their loyalty to me  will have them feuding   over who will win my heart
because finally    they will see    having only my body   is not enough 

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