Aerik Francis

The Black fat is not dying from being obese… The Black– the Black fat– is dying because of a
medical industrial complex committed to seeing fatness, Blackness, and Black fatness as death.
Da’Shaun Harrison

I’ve desired my own assassination
for longer than I have imagined 

exalting           my Black         my Fat             body–
I am now cultivating love, though it’s not enough 

against all the fatal regimes spelled d-i-e
-t industrial complex to consume 

abundance into thanatological capital.
The desire to remove my Black fat– 

Socialized systemically. Ends are needed
beyond bodies. I want to love & live 

the Blackest parts–      Us–                  Ours–
the Fattest parts–         Us–                  Ours– 

Shamed to death– I feel & resist:
This is a politic. I want beyond 

fat necropolitical desire. I want
the end of this world– Badly.

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