Diana Whitney
after S. Erin Batiste
Because the girl is abandoned, acting like an animal, always assuming the worst
Because the girl is bruised and blooming at the same time, rumored to be good at blowjobs, in possession of a body
Because the girl is capricious, clad in candy necklaces, a common whore
Because the girl is drinking, dancing with her arms in the air, deficient in perception
Because the girl is emotional, enthralled with extremes
Because the girl is feral, frustrating you with her fluid identities
Because the girl is growing up fast, getting off in a graveyard of sin
Because the girl is headstrong, heedless of how she looks in a halter-top
Because the girl is isolated, infamous for her issues
Because the girl is jaded, on a crying jag, can’t take a joke
Because the girl is kinky, keen for new experience
Because the girl is lying, a perpetual lapse of judgment, languid as a sigh
Because the girl is moody, wearing too much makeup, often mistaken for a muse
Because the girl is a nymph, nameless in her natural habitat
Because the girl is obedient, opening her mouth for approval
Because the girl is pretty, sneaking pills at parties, pierced all over and obviously perverted
Because the girl is quick-witted, an open question
Because the girl is ready, a mess of raw material, craving romance
Because the girl is smiling, slipping out on summer nights, a shadow of a self
Because the girl is tragic, prone to throwing tantrums, tattooed like a tramp
Because the girl is uncertain, eager to be useful
Because the girl is vulnerable, said to be a virgin, her gaze evading yours
Because the girl is wasted, waking from a nightmare, worn down to the bone
Because the girl is the x-factor, cipher of sex and anxiety
Because the girl is yearning, younger than you realized
Because the girl is zealous, unzipping her zone of protection, she’s asking for whatever she gets