Issue 100 Contributors
Nadia Arioli is the editor in chief of Thimble Literary Magazine. A three-time nominee for Best of the Net, Arioli’s poetry can be found in Cider Press Review, Rust + Moth, McNeese Review, and elsewhere. Essays have been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart and can be found in Hunger Mountain, Heavy Feather Review and elsewhere. Artwork has appeared in Permafrost, Kissing Dynamite, and Poetry Northwest. Arioli’s latest collections are with Dancing Girl and Kelsay Books.
Carmen Calatayud is the daughter of immigrants: A Spanish father and Irish mother. Her book In the Company of Spirits (Press 53, 2012) was a runner-up for the Academy of American Poets Walt Whitman Award. Carmen’s poetry and nonfiction have appeared in print and online in The Banyan Review, Cutthroat, The Manifest-Station, OyeDrum, Poet Lore, Verse Daily, and various anthologies. She is a Larry Neal Poetry Award winner and a Virginia Center for the Creative Arts fellow living in San Antonio, Texas.
Timmy Chong is Korean and Chinese and childish. He's a twenty-something dogfather and copywriter from Maryland, and was a finalist for the 2023 Iron Horse Chapbook Competition. His poems have been shared in Rogue Agent, Up The Staircase, Drunk in a Midnight Choir, and other lovely, funky, possibly defunct places.
Therese Gleason is author of two chapbooks: Matrilineal (Honorable Mention, 2022 Jean Pedrick Chapbook Prize, New England Poetry Club), and Libation (co-winner, 2006 South Carolina Poetry Initiative Competition). Her poems appear in 32 Poems, Indiana Review, New Ohio Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Rattle, and elsewhere. Originally from Louisville, Kentucky, she is a literacy specialist and creative writing instructor at Clark University in Worcester, MA, where she lives with her family. Find her at
Victoria Lau holds an MFA degree from Lindenwood University. She was the 3rd place poetry winner for the Random House Creative Writing Competition in 2013. Her poems have been published in Rogue Agent, The Orchards Poetry Journal, Gyroscope Review, and The Olivetree Review. She was also the 1st place winner for the Nancy Dean Medieval Prize in 2020. She was a poetry reader for GASHER Journal and is one of the marketing coordinators for The Adroit Journal. She has taught poetry at Sadie Nash Summer Institute. She is writing assistant at the Borough of Manhattan Community College Writing Center and an English adjunct lecturer at Queens College. Follow her IG: victoria.lau_calliope_poet.
Diane LeBlanc is a writer, teacher, and book artist with roots in Vermont, Wyoming, and Minnesota. She is the author of The Feast Delayed (Terrapin Books, 2021) and four poetry chapbooks. Poems, essays, and reviews appear in Bellingham Review, Bellevue Literary Review, Cimarron Review, Mid-American Review, Stirring, and Sweet Lit among others. Diane is a holistic life coach with emphasis in creativity practice. She teaches at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. Read more at .
Emily Murman is a poet and mortuary student from Chicago. She holds an MFA from National University and is the author of three chapbooks, SHRIVEL AND BLOOM (Dancing Girl Press, June 2021), I want your emergency (Selcouth Station Press, July 2021), and hey nonino (forthcoming with Dancing Girl Press). Emily can be found on Twitter and Instagram @emilymurman.
Kathy Nelson, 2019 recipient of the James Dickey Prize (Five Points), is a graduate of the Warren Wilson Program for Writers. Find her work in her chapbooks, Cattails and Whose Names Have Slipped Away, in her collection, The Ledger of Mistakes (forthcoming from Terrapin Books) and in LEON Literary Journal, New Ohio Review, Tar River Poetry, Valparaiso Poetry Review and elsewhere.
Adesiyan Oluwapelumi, TPC XI, is a Nigerian writer with a bizarre appetite for tomatoes. He is the winner of the Cheshire White Ribbon Day Creative Competition 2022 & an Honourable Mention recipient in the Starlit Winter Awards 2022. His works have appeared in Poetry Wales, IHRAF Publishes, Brittle Paper, Kissing Dynamite, Lumiere Review, Asterlit, and elsewhere. He stans Timi Sanni & tweets @ademindpoems.
Amanda Pszczolkowski is a writer and a lover of bigfoot and crossword puzzles. She graduated from Grand Valley State University with a B.A. in writing in 2021. Her poetry has been published in Voices and Stanchion. She lives and writes in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Marcela Sulak is the author of the lyric memoir Mouth Full of Seeds. She’s published four poetry collections, most recently, the National Jewish Book Awards finalist, City of Sky Papers. “Storyboard” will appear in her novella-in-verse, The Fault, forthcoming in 2024 with Black Lawrence Press. Sulak directs the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing at Bar-Ilan University.