Issue 109 Contributors
Amy Ash is the author of The Open Mouth of the Vase (Cider Press Review, 2015). Her work has been published in various journals and anthologies, including Stirring: A Literary Collection, I-70 Review, and Erase the Patriarchy. She is Associate Professor Director of Creative Writing at Indiana State University.
J.L. Conrad is the author of the full-length poetry collections A World in Which (Terrapin Books) and A Cartography of Birds (LSU Press), as well as the chapbooks Recovery, winner of the 2022 Robert Phillips Chapbook Prize (Texas Review Press) and Not If But When, winner of the Dead Lake Chapbook Competition (Salt Hill). Her poems have appeared in Pleiades, Sugar House Review, Salamander, Beloit Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin. Find more at her website.
Chloe Coventry is a mother, writer and ethnomusicologist living in the hills outside Los Angeles. Her essays, fiction and poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Flash Fiction Magazine, Blue Unicorn, and Witness Magazine, among other places.
Lizeth De La Luz is a Mexican American poet from Southern California. She writes about the frustrations of language barriers, learned barriers, and the anxieties of living/loving/grieving in a Mexican body in the United States. She is the Senior Fields Notes Editor at Defunkt magazine. Her work can be found in City Works, Calliope, Short Vine, and Transfer magazine. Find her projects and publications at
Suzanne Langlois is a teacher from Portland, Maine. Her collection Bright Glint Gone won the 2019 Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance chapbook award. Her work has appeared in journals such as Quarterly West, Rust + Moth, Leon Literary Review, Cider Press Review, and in the 2022 Best New Poets Anthology. She holds an MFA from Warren Wilson College.
Sunshine Lately (she/they) is a queer Louisville-area poet who enjoyed a career as a Speech-Language Pathologist before pursuing poetry. Whether as a clinician or poet, Sunshine believes in the restorative and contagious powers of self-expression. You can find some of their poems in Major 7th Magazine, Fatal Flaw magazine, and in the Louisville poets anthology Once A City Said by Sarabande books. Their first full-length work, Lye, is upcoming in 2025 with Fernwood Press.
Raymond Luczak is the author and editor of over 30 books, including 12 full-length poetry collections such as Far from Atlantis, Chlorophyll, and Animals Out-There W-i-l-d (forthcoming). His work has appeared in Poetry, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. His latest project as editor is Yooper Poetry: On Experiencing Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. An inaugural Zoeglossia Poetry Fellow, he lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. []
Satvika Menon is a young poet from India who has lived in New Jersey, Malaysia, India, and currently resides in Hong Kong. As a young woman of color, most of her poetry is centred on feminist depictions of the world, body and self, as well as themes of adolescence, youth and growing up.
Renée Rossi has a background as a surgeon, mother, poet, and holistic healer. She lives in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont (mostly), plants gardens, and supports biodiversity. Poetry publications include the full length collection, TRIAGE, and three chapbooks.
Kim Salinas Silva’s work and/or artwork has appeared in or is forthcoming to The Literary Review, Litbreak, Poor Yorick, BarBar, MONO Literary, Unbroken, Gone Lawn, South Florida Poetry Journal, Meniscus, The Disappointed Housewife, Rhode Island Bard’s Anthology and elsewhere. Silva was nominated for Best of the Net 2023.